two women talking how to never run out of things to say

How To Never Run Out of Things To Say (9 Effective Tips)

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Have you ever found yourself in a conversation where the dreaded silence sets in, and you struggle to find something interesting to say? Whether it’s during a social gathering, a networking event, or even a casual chat with friends, running out of things to say can be an uncomfortable experience. But fear not! In this blog post, we will explore 9 effective tips to help you never run out of things to say again. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

1. Ask Open-Ended Questions

A simple yet powerful technique to keep conversations flowing is to ask open-ended questions. Instead of closed-ended questions that elicit simple yes or no answers, ask questions that encourage the other person to share their thoughts, experiences, and opinions. This not only keeps the conversation going but also shows genuine interest in the other person. One of the best ways to ask open-ended questions is to start your question with ‘Why’ or ‘How’.


Tom: Hey Haley, how are you doing?

Haley: I’m doing great, how are you?

Tom: Yeah, doing great as well. Last time we saw each other, you were heading to Thailand. How was your trip?

Haley: Oh it was amazing! We visited Bangkok, saw tons of temples, and the food…

Tom: Lots of pad thai?

Haley: Yeah! Have you been to Thailand as well, since you know pad thai?

2. Listen Actively

If you’re trying to figure out how to never run out of things to say, then this is a big one. Active listening truly is an essential skill when it comes to maintaining engaging conversations. Pay close attention to what the other person is saying, and use their words as cues to delve deeper into the topic. Reflect on their statements, ask follow-up questions, and show empathy. By actively listening, you’ll uncover more opportunities to contribute meaningfully to the conversation. It is one of the best ways to have a good conversation with anyone.


Jennifer: Hey Bob, how are your job applications going?

Bob: Well… Alright, I guess.

*Bob looks towards the ground*

Jennifer: I see. Is there something I can help you with? Because applying for jobs can be so demotivating.

Bob: Actually, yes. I could use some help.

Jennifer: Always happy to lend a hand. Where exactly can I help you with?

3. Observe & Comment

Being observant of your surroundings can provide endless conversation starters. Pay attention to your environment, notice interesting details, and make relevant comments or observations. Whether it’s a unique piece of artwork, an unusual fashion choice, or an intriguing event, commenting on what you see around you can spark engaging conversations. What I personally like to do with friends, if we’re in a silly mood, is to look for someone in our surroundings who stands out and make up a funny life story for that person.


Pete and Martin are walking through town, and Pete notices a modern artwork.

Pete: What do you think of that… thing?

Martin: Honestly, I don’t even know what it’s supposed to be.

Pete: Me neither! Don’t you like classical art a lot more as well?

Martin: Yeah, totally. Did you see the new exhibition in the art gallery?

4. Be Curious & Informed

If you want to learn how to never run out of things to say, you need to have conversation topics. One of the keys to having an endless supply of conversation topics is to cultivate a curious mindset. Make it a habit to read books, stay updated with current events, follow interesting blogs, or engage in hobbies that pique your interest. By broadening your knowledge base, you’ll always have a vast pool of information to draw from during conversations. When you find someone who shares those interests of hobbies, it’ll be a breeze to keep the conversation going.


Harry: Thomas, did you hear about the opening of a new cinema at the south of town?

Thomas: No, haven’t heard anything about it so far. Is it better than the existing one?

Harry: Yeah, I’ve been there last weekend and they have reclining chairs, a huge screen and the newest sound system.

Thomas: That sounds great! You know I’m a big moviegoer, so do you want to go to the new cinema next week?

5. Share Personal Stories

Sharing personal stories is an excellent way to connect with others and keep the conversation alive. Draw from your own experiences and anecdotes that relate to the topic at hand. Personal stories make you relatable and create an engaging atmosphere that encourages others to share their own stories as well. Think about it, what are some interesting stories about yourself you could tell others?


Anna: Jane, you won’t believe what happened last weekend.

Jane: Come on, spill the beans!

Anna: You know I’m scared of spiders, right? Well, I was just minding my own business at home when I suddenly saw a huge spider at the ceiling of the kitchen!

Jane: No!

Anna: Yeah, turns out my neighbor keeps tarantulas and one managed to escape, and ended up in my home!

Jane: I would’ve run to the front door, never to return.

6. Embrace Silence

How do you never run out of things to say? Well, you could simply embrace the silence. Embracing silence might seem counterintuitive, but it can actually be a powerful tool in conversations. Sometimes, taking a momentary pause allows both parties to gather their thoughts and reflect on the discussion. This can lead to deeper, more meaningful conversations and even inspire new topics to explore. So, don’t be afraid of silence. It’s not the end of the world!

7. Stay Positive & Empathetic

Maintaining a positive and empathetic attitude can go a long way in keeping conversations flowing. So if you want to learn how to never run out of things to say, show genuine interest in the other person’s perspective, validate their opinions, and avoid confrontational or negative topics. Creating a comfortable and non-judgmental atmosphere allows for open dialogue and a more enjoyable conversation experience. People want to be around others who make them feel good.

8. Be Up-to-Date With Pop Culture

Pop culture is a common ground for many conversations. Stay updated with the latest movies, TV shows, music, and other popular trends. This knowledge can serve as an excellent icebreaker or a way to bond with others who share similar interests. Say you’re a fan of Game of Thrones and the other person brings up the topic, you’ll have an easy time keeping the conversation going.

9. Practice, Practice, Practice

Like any skill, conversation skills improve with practice. Challenge yourself to engage in conversations with different people in various settings. The more you put yourself out there, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become. This way, you will learn how to never run out of things to say and become a better conversationalist overall. Over time, striking up conversations and finding interesting things to say will become second nature. And the more people you talk to, the more you hear, which results in more topics for you to talk about. So if you truly want to learn how to never run out of things to say, get out there and talk to people.


Picture of Steven Mareels
Steven Mareels
Steven is the founder of Personal Power-Ups and he loves to write about personal development. He's motivated to give you actionable and concrete information to live life to the fullest.