About Me: Steven Mareels
I am Steven Mareels, founder of Personal Power-Ups and personal development geek.
My own personal growth journey kicked off when I attended a year-long personal development program several years ago. Through this program I discovered loads of great ideas and strategies that helped me become a better version of myself. I also devoured self growth books with a fiery passion.
All this knowledge helped me solve multiple problems I was facing. At the same time, I saw people around me struggling with personal problems, often similar to mine. Challenges I had researched. Problems I had solved for myself. I put my knowledge to the test and assisted the people around me, with success.
It’s after helping several people in my vicinity that the idea for Personal Power-Ups first popped up in my head. Why not share this practical information with the world and help even more people?
Fast forward to today, Personal Power-Ups is up and running! I hope the tips, strategies and other information on this website help you live your best life.